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Awarded Students in Fall 2021

We at the Office of Research Support pay special attention to students, symbols of hope and builders of the future, and provide them with an enabling and encouraging atmosphere that helps develop their talents and prepares them for a bright future.

We offer the following programs especially for students:

Student Grant

QU-Student grant aims to foster research culture and develop research capacity at Qatar University by enhancing the research experience of our undergraduate and graduate students through different research projects.

National Science Promotion Program Grant (NSPP)

Qatar University National Science Promotion Program (NSPP) is a national bridging program to build the national capacity and is focused on the smooth transition of high school students to the University by engaging them in excelling towards learning and scientific research.

TadTalks Student Grant Program

We extend our support to graduate students by sponsoring tadTalks in a new program called tadTalks Student Grant Program. Students awarded into the program enjoy a variety of training and professional development opportunities through top international universities and research entities and research entities as well access to innovative research tools

Honor Student


We also support fostering research culture and developing research capacity through honor student and encourage LPIs and PIs to involve Honor students in their grants