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CSE Faculty Awarded QRDI Grant to Advance Food Security Innovations

Congratulation to Dr. Cagatay Catal and his team for securing a grant through Qatar Research, Development and Innovation Council (QRDI) for food security call. 

The granted project is titled “Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Aquaponics: Empowering Food Security for a Sustainable Future”.

Prof. Cagatay Catal

The Project team includes:

  • Prof. Dr. Cagatay Catal (Lead PI) (Department of Computer Science & Engineering, College of Engineering, Qatar University)
  • Prof. Dr. Nader Meskin (PI) (Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Qatar University)
  • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khalifa (PI) (Department of Finance and Economics, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University)
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Hussain S A Alsafran (PI) (Agriculture Research Station, Qatar University)
  • Dr. Yamine Bouzembrak (PI) (Information Technology Group, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands)
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Turker Bodur (PI) (Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Akdeniz University, Türkiye)

Project Abstract: The objectives of this project are to advance the efficiency, scalability, and reliability of aquaponics systems through the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Computer Vision (CV), and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. The project aims to address key challenges in aquaponics, including fish health monitoring, plant disease detection, and environmental monitoring. The project team, in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands and Akdeniz University in Türkiye will develop Qatar’s first comprehensive research setup for aquaponics. This research setup will be deployed at the Agricultural Research Station of Qatar University. The expected outcomes of this project are two-fold. Firstly, it will result in the development of novel prediction models and innovative technologies that address the challenges in aquaponics. These models and technologies will contribute to enhanced fish health, optimized crop production, and improved overall system efficiency. Secondly, the project aims to empower sustainable food security by minimizing the environmental impact of agriculture. By reducing water usage, nutrient runoff, and pollution, AI-empowered aquaponics will offer a more sustainable alternative to traditional farming methods.

The QRDI and the Ministry of Municipality (MoM) have launched the Food Security Call to support research that aligns with Qatar’s National Food Security Strategy, fostering collaboration among experts to develop solutions for the country’s food supply challenges.

CSE Department Welcomes Students for a New Academic Year

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering hosted an orientation event titled “Welcome to CSE” on September 9th. The event was an excellent opportunity to commence the new academic year for both new and returning students. It was organized in collaboration with the newly established ACM Student Chapter, providing students with a glimpse of what awaits them in their Computer Science and Computer Engineering journeys.

Part of the event’s audience

Dr. Amr Mohamed the head of department presented an overview of the Computer Science and Engineering department, detailing what students can expect from the university in terms of facilities. He emphasized the significance of Computer Science and Computer Engineering in the job market, as well as current trends in career opportunities related to both fields.

Dr. Amr Mohamed giving his talk

This was followed by insightful presentations from Dr. Abdelkarim Erradi and Dr. Elias Yaacoub, who provided a deeper understanding of the myriad opportunities available to students at Qatar University in their respective disciplines.

Following that, one of our CSE alumnus, Mohamed Saria Allaham (currently a PhD candidate in Queens University), shared practical advice on current trends and career opportunities, offering a thoughtful analysis of market demands and future prospects that resonated with all attendees.

The event culminated in the unveiling of the department’s own ACM Student Chapter, where Chairman Muhammad Khan introduced the chapter and highlighted exciting opportunities for students interested in joining.

ACM Chairman Muhammad Khan giving his short talk

The event concluded with a social gathering featuring catering and engaging activities such as typing races and robot football, facilitating a smooth transition into the academic year and marking a successful orientation event for the Computer Science and Engineering department.