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Invitation to Seminar| Novel Technologies for Future Broadband Access Networks

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Seminar Invitation| Human Centered Computer Vision

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Seminar Invitation| Deep Learning in Medical Imaging

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Humanitarian Drone Competition by CSE Students

The CSE department has organized an “Humanitarian Drone Competition” as part of the course project for the “Computer Engineering Practicum” course..

The motivation for this year’s project is to show solidarity with people in Gaza. Unlike typical control circuits used in the drones, the students of the course were asked to design a control circuit for the drone with only passive electronic components and basic IC to control the motors of the drones. In order to achieve this, the students had to go through phases of idea description, schematic design, breadboard prototyping, and a final soldered prototype that has to have at least three functionalities that can assist the humanitarian mission.

The winning drones were judged based on their design, number of functionalities incorporated in the design, A4 poster and a video montage of their work carried out during the project.

The winners in the competition were: 

Male Students

  • First place: Yusuf Siddiqui, Iheb Zouari, Mohamed Ali, Mahmoud Ali 
  • Second place: Mubarak AlHajri, Abdulrahman Marwan Aboumadi, Ahmed Miqdad, Deya Aldeen Abdelbaset
  • Third place: Muhammad Khan, Abdullah Irhimeh, Laith Nasrallah

Female Students

  • First place: Isra Ali, Yoma Mohammed, Maya Attia, Nooralhodaa Elshawadfy
  • Second place: Roaa Shady, Noha Elgamal, Amna Al-Ahmed
  • Third place:  Aisha Al Mannai, Naema Al Abdulla, Hila Al Dosari, Fatima Al Ali

The competition was judged by our faculty members Eng. Amelle Bedair , Eng. Farah E-Qawasma and Eng. Amal Elmasri. The prizes for the winners were awarded by the HoD Prof. Amr Mohamed.

Thanks Voltaat for sponsoring the prizes worth 2,000 QAR. Thanks to Dr. Wadha Labda for her kind support as well to make the awards ceremony in the ICET’23 events. Thanks for the course coordinator Eng. Naveed Nawaz, course instructors Eng. Leila Ghastli and Eng. Tamer Eltaras, and all other faculties for making this competition a successful one.

Invitation to seminar: Deep Learning Based Sematic Segmentation for Different Retinal Morphologies Detection

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We are organizing WISE-2024: Calls for Papers, Special Tracks & Workshops

We are organizing WISE International Conference at QU!
CSE department invites you to contribute with your research papers and participate in our hosted and organized International Web Information Systems Engineering conference (WISE 2024).

You can find all details at the conference website at https://wise2024-qatar.com/.