Three researchers from our CSE department have received awards in QU Annual Research Forum and Exhibition 2021. The event brings together students, researchers and academics from the University’s colleges, research centers and institutions, in addition to partners and stakeholders, to assess, review and discuss QU’s research outputs and activities.

The device is developed as part of a collaborative research project titled “Smart assistive tools for people with visual impairments”. Visually impaired users can easily wear it on their head and utilize the device to get assistance for navigation, object recognition, obstacle detection, and text recognition especially in indoor areas. The developed system can provide real-time guidance and notification to the user.
Moreover, Nandhini Subramanian (Research Assistant), Jayakanth Kunhoth (PhD Student and Graduate Research Assistant), Prof. Somaya Al Maadeed (Supervisor and Lead PI of the project), and Prof. Ahmed Bouridane (Professor at University of Sharjah, UAE) won the Best Research Poster Award (Faculty and PostDoc Category) for the poster titled “Stego-eHealth: An eHealth System for Secured Transfer of Medical Images Using Image Steganography”.

The work aims to secure the medical data of the patients using image steganography when transferring through untrusted channels. At the sending end, the medical images are embedded in a normal natural scene image and at the receiving end the embedded medical image is extracted for easy access. This work was part of QNRF NPRP11S-0113- 180276 project led by Prof. Somaya.
Congratulations to all the winners!