When Do Women Care? Exploring the Gender Gap in Political Interest in Qatar

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It), the following work was presented at the 2015 Regional Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) in Doha, Qatar.  Bethany Lynn Nesbit, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Qatar University’s Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI), presented “When Do Women Care? Exploring the Gender Gap in Political Interest in Qatar” as part of the session “Family and Gender” on Monday, March 9th, 2015.

Post developed by Bethany Nesbit (Shockley).

Interest in politics is often considered to be the root of political participation and engagement. Citizens who care about politics are more likely to get involved in making their country a better place. Recent trends show that interest in politics has increased among Qataris between 2011 and 2014. However, females lagged behind males in their levels of political interest in 2012 and 2014. What could be driving this divergence in political concern?

Nesbit1In my paper, I investigate several potential explanations for the gender gap, including socio-economic factors such as income, education, and age. I also examine the role of cultural and religious influences, including attitudes about gender roles in order to explain interest in politics. These are causes that have been shown to be important predictors of political interest in industrialized Western democracies, but have not been tested in the Qatari context. Qatar, a rapidly-developing country located in the Arabian Peninsula, is rich in hydrocarbon resources and governed by a hereditary Emir.

Using data from the SESRI Omnibus surveys in 2011, 2012, and 2014, I test the role of socio-economic factors against other cultural and behavioral factors. In doing so, I find strong support for two particular predictors of political interest – education and social media usage – although age and income were also significant predictors in 2011. Education increases interest in politics considerably. Social media usage has a less dramatic impact, but it is especially important for young Qataris, who engage with it far more frequently than their older counterparts.

In order to illustrate the impact of these variables at two different time periods, 2011 and 2014, I use simulations to produce predicted probabilities of being interested in politics. In the figure below, 100% means that this person is certainly interested in politics, while 0% corresponds to someone who is certainly NOT interested in politics, and a 50% likelihood of being interested means that the person could go either way.

Nesbit2The figure above simulates the likelihood that hypothetical people with particular characteristics will be interested in politics. The example illustrates a family in which the son and daughter (who are the same age) are both holders of bachelor’s degrees, while their less educated, but older parents, have a high school education. Imagine that this hypothetical family also has a set of grandparents who did not finish high school. The young university graduates are also Twitter users, while their older relatives are not.

The figure shows that education can greatly increase the likelihood of interest, as the college educated daughter is much more likely to be interested in politics than her less educated grandmother. However, we see that gender gaps persist over time, especially among the younger generation (illustrated by the son and daughter). Interest in politics did not increase at all for the daughter between 2011 and 2014, though both the grandmother and the mother made significant gains during this time. This suggests that education can give women the tools they need to engage with issues in society, but it alone cannot close the gender gap in political interest. Instead, other engagement strategies such as social media campaigns may capture young women’s attention.

Question design matters: the impact of wording on gender attitudes

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It), the following work was presented at the 2015 Regional Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) in Doha, Qatar.  Fatimah Al-Khaldi, a researcher on the Policy Unit team at Qatar University’s Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI), presented “Survey Experiment on Attitudes & Perceptions of Women in the Political Sphere” as part of the session “Questionnaire Design” on Sunday, March 8th, 2015.

Post developed by Fatimah Al-Khaldi.

To what extent are survey results relating to gender attitudes accurate and reliable? Often survey questions are worded in ways that are more positive for a man than a woman. For instance, consider the following items which appear in questionnaires from the World Values Survey:

“when jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women

“on the whole, men make better political leaders than women do”

In the questionnaires, statements that are in contradiction with gender stereotypes are almost entirely absent.

To investigate the impact of this question wording, I conducted a survey experiment using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Survey respondents, comprised of a sample of adults living in the United States, were divided into two samples. Respondents in each sample were asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed with a set of statements.

Sample 1 received statements worded to emphasize gender stereotypes:


With the exception of the fourth statement, the majority of Sample 1 respondents strongly disagreed with the statements. In all statements, women were more likely than men to strongly disagree, and respondents who identified themselves as moderate or liberal respondents were more likely than self-identified conservative or very conservative respondents to strongly disagree.

Sample 2 received statements worded in contradiction of accepted stereotypes:

For each of the five statements, approximately half (or nearly so) of Sample 2 respondents answered neutrally (“indifferent”), with women being more likely than men to express neutrality. Men were more likely than women to strongly disagree with the first statement. Respondents who identified themselves as very conservative were more likely to strongly disagree on the first and fifth statements.

The results of the experiment show a clear difference in response distributions across the two samples, confirming that the wording for questions on gender attitudes does indeed matter.

Methodological Statement. The survey experiment was conducted in English on the Internet via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk from March 8-16, 2014, using a sample of 328 adults who were 18 years of age or older and living in the United States (citizens and residents). The work was part of a class project at Johns Hopkins University.

(Edit, applied March 9, 2015: Tables were previously in incorrect order.)