the term paper in pdf format: term paper
By Jane Jacob.
The Use of Side Walk: Safety
From The Death and Life of Great American Cities
About the Author:
- Jane Jacob.
- Born on May 4, 1916, in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
- Worked as a reporter and a freelance writer
- Joined the editorial staff of Architectural Forum in 1952.
- Died on April 25, 2006, in Toronto, Canda
- Her First Book: The Death and Life of Great American Cities was published in 1961,
- The book criticize the urban planning policy of 1950s , which it holds responsible for the decline of many city neighborhoods in the United States, “The Death and Live of Great American Cities was a scathing attack on the planning establishment …….. but it was also a loving invitation to experience the joys of city living …….” (The Handouts, The Use of Sidewalks: Safety, Editor’s Introduction)
- Period: Late Modernism (1950’s)
- Greenwich Village:
- Located in West side of Lower Manhattan in New York City
- Known an artists’ haven, the bohemian capital. (1950’s)
- Will preserved till contemporary days.
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- Store, bars, and restaurants, work in several ways to provide sidewalk safety
- Los Angeles in the 1950’s stand out in crime
- Other References:
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Published By: Reem Zaghmout