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Discussion of Practical Implementation Results_MG14

The project’s target was to reach a fully designed and practically implemented hardware to verify the design and show the potential of the project. A lot of practical implementations were done up to the time where continuing to work on the implementation of the project was no longer possible due to COVID-19. What was done first is the individual testing of most components in the project, to verify that they are working and how well they perform. Then sensors and belt were made to work together when a bottle is detected, it will stop the belt for a certain amount of time, then mounting brackets were implemented to hold the sensors, pump, pipes, power supplies and tanks in their appropriate places. Moreover, the addition of external interference detectors was done to stop the system whenever an external interference happens on the system and the addition of an emergency stop button. Many problems were faced such as getting custom mounting brackets that are suitable for the project, getting the pump to work properly, need to change pipes types, de-assembling conveyor belt panels in order to connect it to PLC. Those problems were solved, and remaining parts of implementation were to add the capping, test the system as a whole and do some fine-tuning to better improve the performance of the system in ways such as increasing flow rate, increase belt speed while keeping stability, improve pressure consistency in the tank that fills bottles.