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Mobile Application_MG2

For the project design, an application was made so that the user can monitor and control the charger remotely after connecting the charger. The app is linked to the microcontroller that is placed in the system the controller will get the values of the current and state of charge and then send them to a database that is then accessed by the app. When the app reads the data from the database it then displays them along with some other important values like time until full charge, state of charge, and the amount of power transferred. Furthermore, the app can control some of these parameters by using a slider that will allow the user to control the direction of power flow as well as the amount of power transferred which in return will change the time until the battery is fully charged. Moreover, the app will send some values to the database and the micro-controller will read and adjust the parameters. Also, the app can be signed in into and each user will have a separate database that is accessed by a specific micro-controller when singed into the account. The figure below shows the interface of the app.